Understanding Attorney Billing Practices
Typically, a lawyer will bill by the hour for their time in a case. They provide detailed billing entries, specifying the work done and amount of time spent. Billing is usually in increments of a sixth of an hour, so every six minutes.
Attorney-client agreements may specify minimum amounts for tasks like phone calls or court appearances. It’s important to review and understand these terms in your contract before engaging an attorney.
Managing Costs in Your Divorce
While it’s understandable to feel frustrated by attorney billing practices, it’s important to set realistic expectations. You should expect to be billed for the time your attorney spends on your case.
There are ways to help control costs in your divorce, such as discussing options with your attorney or seeking financial assistance. It’s crucial to have open and honest conversations with your counsel about billing concerns before they escalate.
Get Personalized Legal Guidance
If you have questions about your individual case or need assistance with a divorce or child custody matter in northeastern Oklahoma, please reach out to divorce attorney Palmer Johnson at moms.law or call 918-770-7117 for a low-cost consultation.