Understanding Visitation Schedule Violations
I’m Tulsa divorce attorney Palmer Johnson. This is my video series where I answer frequently asked questions I get from my family law clients and today’s question is, what do I do if the other parent is violating the visitation schedule? In other words, what do I do if it’s my visitation under the order and the other parent prevents me from seeing my child?
Documenting and Addressing Violations
So, like most things in family law, there could be several answers to that question. The most straightforward response would be to document that they’ve withheld visitation. If they have communicated a reason why they’re withholding visitation, document that. I would first seek to attempt to reschedule the visitation if there was a compelling reason why it needed to be moved.
Legal Options for Enforcement
If it appears to just be because the other parties decided that that’s what they want to do, or they’re mad at you, or something that really has nothing to do with your child or their best interest, then you want to document that. If it happens more than, you know, if it becomes a pattern, then we can file a motion to enforce. Judges are very unhappy when people don’t follow their orders and they can do a lot of things in response to something like that.
Seeking Legal Advice
If you need legal advice on how to enforce a custody agreement, you can reach out to me at moms.law and schedule a low-cost consultation where I can address your specific case and give you a better idea of what I would recommend for enforcing the visitation schedule. Call us at 918-770-7117 today.