Navigating the Divorce Process: Essential Steps to Follow
I’m Tulsa divorce attorney Palmer Johnson. Welcome to my video series where I answer frequently asked questions I get from my family law clients. Today’s question is, what is the first step in getting a divorce if I have children? And so aside from hiring a lawyer, I’m going to talk more about the process.
You file your petition for dissolution of marriage, you’d file an application for a temporary order, and then if you were in Tulsa the court would set your case for a parenting plan conference where you would essentially the goal is to try to confer with the other side and come to an agreement for a temporary order during the pendency of your case where you would agree on custody visitation, who’s going to pay what bill, who’s going to be in possession of different pieces of property.
Understanding the Importance of Temporary Orders
Basically anything that’s an issue in your case could be addressed potentially in the temporary order but it’s to get something in place at the very beginning and which is sometimes when there’s the most conflict which can make that a hurdle. If you can’t agree on what you want to do for as far as your temporary order then what you’re going to do is get a referral to have a hearing on that in front of your assigned judge and depending on exactly how their docket is on available court dates you’re probably looking at 45 to 60 days before you even get your temporary order hearing so there that can send us be an incentive for people to find things to agree upon and certainly save yourself significant legal fees by not needing to have a hearing to be able to reach a temporary order.
And and that really is I think the way that it should be thought about it’s a temporary order you can do things by agreement try things and then if they don’t work you really have a basis in the event that you’re having a trial on the actual final decree of showing what didn’t work and why it didn’t work now this this advice may not apply in in all cases but just generally speaking.
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If you need advice about your particular case you can contact me at to schedule your low-cost personal consultation. Call 918-770-7117 now!