Protecting Stability in Divorce: The Automatic Temporary Injunction Explained
Right after you file for divorce in Oklahoma, an automatic temporary injunction goes into place for the protection of both parties. This document prevents major changes to the status quo, such as removing health insurance coverage or emptying bank accounts. It aims to maintain stability for the benefit of the family during the divorce process.
Enforcement and Consequences
If one party violates the automatic temporary injunction, there are enforcement mechanisms in place. While there may not be criminal penalties, a judge could hold the violating party in contempt, leading to civil remedies. This helps prevent unfair advantages or attempts to hide assets during the divorce proceedings.
Consult with a Family Law Attorney
If you need assistance navigating the complexities of divorce and understanding your legal rights and protections in Oklahoma, consider scheduling a low-cost consultation with a Tulsa family law attorney. Contact a Tulsa divorce attorney for mothers at 918-770-7117 or visit the website to learn more about how I can help you through this challenging time.