Understanding Alimony in Oklahoma
I’m Tulsa divorce attorney, Palmer Johnson, and this is my video series on answering frequently asked family law questions that I get from my clients. Today, I’m going to discuss the basics of alimony in Oklahoma. Alimony is based on the standard of need and ability to pay.
If you are seeking alimony, you will need to demonstrate your monthly expenses and budget to show that there is a deficit between your income and the cost of maintaining a similar lifestyle to what you had during the marriage. The ability of the other party to pay alimony is also a key factor in determining the amount.
Factors Considered in Alimony Cases
In cases where one spouse has a significantly higher income or if one spouse has been out of the workforce for an extended period of time, alimony may be awarded to help balance the financial situation. The court will consider the need for alimony and the ability of the other party to pay when making a decision.
Alimony awards are typically for a specific duration, usually three to five years, and are designed to assist the recipient in transitioning to financial independence. Alimony may also terminate upon remarriage or cohabitation with a new partner.
Consultation for Alimony Cases
If you are considering divorce and have questions about alimony in Oklahoma, please contact me at moms.law to schedule a low-cost consultation. I can provide guidance on what to expect in your case and help you navigate the alimony process. Call 918-770-7117 to get started today.